Thursday, September 25, 2008

no news

It's killing me not to know. I know we are supposed to be moving around next summer 2009. It would just be nice to no where. I'm not saying this to complain, I'm just going a little stir crazy stuck right here with no news on where we will go. On the other hand it's kind of fun not knowing. Sometimes when I am driving to or from work I imagine what it will be like when we pack up and we are in the car going to our next base. It probably won't be rushed. They usually give people plenty of days to travel when needed. It will just be us. Us and the cats. I'm so looking forward to it and I never thought I'd say that. Three years ago you couldn't have paid me enough money to leave Montana. That was before I met Jay, married into the air force, traveled to Virginia, North Carolina, Washington, DC, and many other places, and realized there is so much more to this world and I want to see it all! No matter where we go we will have eachother and God, and that is all we really need. A Dairy Queen wouldn't hurt though... We are 'supposed' to find out sometime between October and January. Wish us luck!