Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's nice not to worry.

Lately I've seen how much some people worry. It makes me kinda sad, because I used to worry all day every day and I know how it used to eat away at me. Recently I've started to realize how good we have it. It hasn't always been this way, we had to work hard to get here, and I just feel so blessed to finally be at peace with my life. We don't have to worry about where we live, buying groceries, etc. We have a safe and roomy place to live and vehicles that run great. We don't have to worry about relationships with family or friends, or about someone back in VA getting sick or something happening and not being able to fly there on the drop of a dime. Jay no longer posts to the missile field (for about 4-5 months now) so I am lucky to not have to worry about him like I did for our first two years together, and he is home every night and weekend with me. I guess I'm just now able to relax and realize how happy I truly am and it's great. We even have great friends to top it off-Zach & Sue, Dave & Stephanie, Jeromy & Pam, and many more, you know who you are-you are all the best!!!

"Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life?"

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

~Matthew 6:27, 34

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